Monday, May 25, 2009

Progression! and our 2 Year Anniversary is today!! <3

20 weeks

21 weeks

22 weeks

23 weeks

Wow, 23 weeks I really popped out! :) I am feeling little Abram kick harder and more often now. It's such an amazing feeling! I feel great! I have an appointment tomorrow with the midwife and I am really excited!
I really think things on my blog are going to start picking up more. I am over half way and more things start happening now, like getting our nursery ready, which today I am going to put together my first nursery item which is a bookcase from IKEA that I will be putting on its side to make a changing table! I am so excited. And my baby showers are going to start getting planned. I can not wait. I will be posting more pictures as the nursery progresses and from my showers and stuff. So hopefully no more long wait between my blogs! :)

Nate and I are also celebrating 2 years of marriage today! This has truely been the best two years of my life! We have had so much fun and now especially with a baby on the way! Life if just moving right along for us!
In about 2.5 weeks, we are going to be going on vacation with Nate's family. We are treating that as an anniversary gift. I will also have Nate take ocean belly pictures of my belly! :) Then I will post those too! :)

Until next time fellow bloggers..


christy rose said...

You look absolutely adorable!

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

So stinkin' CUTE!

Daveda said...

You are beautiful! I am so excited for you!!! YEAH!!! I look forward to your future blogs.

Elle said...

wow cori, i haven't seen you since you acquired the bump! little guy is coming soon!! :)

Jess said...

You look so cute in your belly! you look the same at 20-22 weeks, then all of a sudden you totally popped at 23! I wonder what made him decide to grow then? i can't wait to meet my little nephew!!!