Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So i am starting to tan for Rebekah's wedding. 

I AM BURNT! gaaahhhh

What happened to me? I never used to burn and i tanned sooo well!  oh well.

So Rebekah went to pick up our dresses today annnnddd... they were WRONG. I can't believe it. her wedding is in less than 4 weeks. I really hope everyones dresses fit well. eeekk.. 

We will see how it goes.


Tiffany Alexandria said...

Tanning tomorrow? ( Thursday ). Sorry I didn't go tonight, Keith and I decided to check out a movie. But tomorrow for sure! I'm down if you are ;) OH! I have something to tell you, too. Remind me tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

What the heck??? Since when did you get a blog? Come on need to pass this info along.

We missed you last weekend. Maybe next time!