Nathan and I are going to be Parents!
We started trying to have a baby at the beginning of the new year.. and to our amazement, it worked on the first try! :) I tell you, charting temperatures works! I have been off of birth control since November 07.. and have been charting since.. and right when we started trying, it worked on the first try! :) Baby Roberts is due September 17, 2009.
We are so excited to meet our baby! Yes, we are going to find out what it is going to be.
I found out that we were pregnant, only 10 days after i ovulated! I took a lot of pregnancy test. We just couldn't believe it. I have known for about 4 weeks now, and we kept it secret for awhile just to make sure everything was going to be okay! We told our family at at about 5 weeks and our close friends at about 6 weeks and everyone else at 8 weeks.. today I am 9 weeks and 3 days. I can't believe how fast it is already going!
Our first trip to the Dr. was so fun! I was really nervous to get my blood drawn since I had never had that done. It wasn't that bad at all.. I just can't look at the needle! We heard and saw the babies heartbeat! It was absolutely amazing. I have dreamed of this moment for so long! The heartbeat was 130 and it was strong! Some say.. BOY! haha. we will just have to wait and see!
I have been feeling really good. I just have moments where I have to stop and eat! If I don't, my stomach gets a little quesy. I hope it doesn't get any worse!
I am so excited to share our journey with all of you! This will definitely be something to blog about! So check back more often now! :)